Three Ideas

Demon Slayer

All of my friend know that I love to watch anime, especially a good one to binge watch. One of the anime's I recommend for people to watch is Demon Slayer. This anime is so popular in Japan and worldwide that you will hear many people whether anime or non anime fans talk about it.

Pokemon Games Through The Years

People who are born in the 90s and above all know and well that Pokemon has been with us since our childhood. Pokemon games have advanced through the years from the Game Boy to the Nintendo Switch. We'll be diving into the history, the process, and the future of Pokemon games.

The History of Memes

Ah yeas memes, the internet's most prized possession for people to laugh at random images, texts, and whatnot. Just what is a meme and how did it all start? Well that's what we are all going to find out here.